Are you unsure why cloudy water is flowing from your tap? You’re not alone. Many homeowners in hard water areas experience this issue, and it can be a cause for concern. Fortunately, our experts are here to help you explore the common causes of cloudy tap water, its safety, and how you can improve water […]
When the frosty air bites and snow blankets the world, your home’s heating system becomes a huge comfort, allowing you to enjoy a cup of hot cocoa in peace and create memories with your family that don’t involve shivering uncontrollably. However, even the most robust heaters need some care and attention, and one of the […]
Toilets are an essential part of our daily lives that we often take for granted until they decide to throw a wrench in our routines. We’ve all been there — the dreaded clogged toilet. You flush, you wait, and instead of that satisfying swirl, you’re met with rising water that threatens to overflow. It’s not […]
When it comes to replacing your HVAC unit, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the countless options available on the market. Making the wrong decision can lead to costly mistakes that affect your indoor air quality, energy bills, and comfort in the long run. At Curtis Total Service, we understand the importance of investing wisely […]
Sometimes, it’s tempting to see your kitchen sink drain as the quickest and most effective way to make kitchen and household waste disappear. After all, all you have to do is stuff something down the drain, run a little bit of water, click on the garbage disposal, and watch the waste be taken care of […]
As a model homeowner, you try to look after and keep your home as maintained and clean as possible. You keep your kitchen clean, lawn trimmed, and bedrooms tidy. However, how many times have you cleaned your drains or had your sewer inspected? Don’t feel bad; like you, most homeowners overlook that type of maintenance. […]
Your water heater is responsible for warming the water you use to cook, shower, clean dishes, and wash your hands. When it’s working correctly, you don’t even think about it. However, when you have a water heater leaking, it can disrupt your daily routine. A water heater is a closed system, so any water you […]
Let’s face it, no homeowner wants to deal with plumbing problems, yet they seem to pop up at the worst possible times. As much as we’d like to ignore them, plumbing issues can cause major damage internally and externally to your home. Ignoring them is the last thing you want to do, but there are […]
Both “hard water” and “soft water” are phrases used to label water that has an excess of certain minerals or chemicals. While soft water is a relatively rare problem, over 80% of American households will deal with (or have already dealt with) hard water at some point or another. Suspect you might have hard water […]
When experiencing plumbing problems, your first thought isn’t, “I bet something is wrong with the main sewer line.” Rather, you assume it’s a minor inconvenience, such as a small clog in the drain, that you can take care of easily yourself. However, if your plumbing issues continue after a temporary fix or frequently come back, […]